FSR information

The Faculty Student Council (FSR) is the highest student representative council within the Faculty of Science. The FSR exists to represent the interests of students, which means that through the FSR, students have a voice and participate in decisions made at and about the faculty. The FSR is the link between students and the faculty board.

To be able to function at its best, it is important for the FSR to know what is going on among students and what the concerns and problems are. If you have a question, a problem or have ideas or suggestions, please let us know!

FSR room: WN-M112
Every Wednesday is consultation hour from 12:45-13:30, but if someone from the FSR is present in the room, you are always welcome to walk in! Also, if you run into them in the hallways you can of course speak to them. Online they can be reached via email, Whatsapp, telephone and Facebook. This is also where you can go with your questions, and complaints or make an appointment to come by.
Email: fsr.beta@vu.nl
WhatsApp: +31 622929541
Telephone: 020 - 5987239